Editorial board of the electronic journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics”
First, Last name Scientific field Email address
Shavkat Ayupov Algebra and functional analysis sh_ayupov@mail.ru
Managing Editor
Erkinjon Karimov Differential equations and mathematical physics erkinjon@gmail.com
Managing Editor
Erkinjon Karimov Differential equations and mathematical physics erkinjon@gmail.com
Honorary editors
Shavkat Alimov Differential equations and mathematical physics sh_alimov@mail.ru
Abdulla Azamov Dynamic systems, game theory abdulla.azamov@gmail.com
Shakir Formanov Probability theory and mathematical statistics shakirformanov@yandex.ru
Saidahmad Lakayev Differential equations and mathematical physics slakaev@mail.ru
Utkir Rozikov Functional analysis rozikovu@mail.ru
Azimboy Sadullaev Mathematical analysis sadullaev@mail.ru
Javvad Khajiyev Functional analysis khdjavvat@gmail.com
International editors
Nasser Al-Salti (Oman) Differential equations and mathematical biology alsalti@nu.edu.om
Andrey Dorogovtsev (Russia) Probability theory and mathematical statistics andrey.dorogovtsev@gmail.com
Anatoliy Kusraev (Russia) Functional analysis kusraev@smath.ru
Alberto Elduque (Spain) Algebra and number theory elduque@unizar.es
Bruno Antonio Pansera (Italy) Game theory bruno.pansera@unirc.it
Luckraz Shravan (China) Dynamic systems, game theory sluckraz@hotmail.com
Niyaz Tokmagambetov (Spain) Harmonic analysis niyaz.tokmagambetov@gmail.com
Bahrom Abdullayev Mathematical analysis abakhrom1968@mail.ru
Jobir Adashev Algebra and number theory adashevjq@mail.ru
Abdulaziz Artikbaev Geometriya va topologiya aartykbaev@mail.ru
Farkhodjon Arzikulov Algebra and number theory arzikulovFN@rambler.ru
Ruzinazar Beshimov Geometriya va topologiya rbeshimov@mail.ru
G`olibjon Botirov Functional analysis botirovg@yandex.ru
Sirojiddin Djamalov Differential equations and mathematical physics siroj63@mail.ru
Otabek Hakimov Functional analysis hakimovo@mail.ru
Anvar Hasanov Differential equations and mathematical physics anvarhasanov@yahoo.com
Gafurjan Ibragimov Dynamic systems, game theory ibragimov.math@gmail.com
Sevdiyor Imomkulov Mathematical analysis sevdiyor_i@mail.ru
Azam Imomov Probability theory and mathematical statistics imomov_azam@mail.ru
Bakhtiyar Kadirkulov Differential equations and mathematical physics kadirkulovbj@gmail.com
Iqboljon Karimjonov Algebra and number theory iqboli@gmail.com
Abdugappar Narmanov Geometriya va topologiya narmanov@yandex.ru
Farhod Nuraliyev Camputational methods nuraliyevf@mail.ru
Akhmadjon Urinov Differential equations and mathematical physics urinovak@mail.ru
Muzaffar Rahmatullayev Functional analysis mrahmatullaev@rambler.ru
Gulnora Raimova Probability theory and mathematical statistics raimova27@gmail.com
Mengliboy Ruziev Differential equations and mathematical physics mruziev@mail.ru
Bahrom Samatov Dynamic systems, game theory samatov57@inbox.ru
Sobirjon Shoyimardonov Discrete dynamic systems shoyimardonov@inbox.ru
Rustam Turdibaev Algebra and number theory r.turdibaev@mathinst.uz
Rustamjon Khakimov Functional analysis rustam-7102@rambler.ru
Yoqubjon Khusanboyev Probability theory and mathematical statistics yakubjank@mail.ru
Obidjon Zikirov Differential equations and mathematical physics zikirov@yandex.ru
Technical editor
Azizbek Mamanazarov mamanazarovaz1992@gmail.com Technical editor